About Us

What We Do u0026amp; Why We Do It?

Disaster Response, Community Transformation, Poverty Reduction

Emergency Response
Emergency Response

CFK (Cipta Fondasi Komunitas) is a local Indonesian disaster relief and community development organization which was established in 2006 and officially registered as an Indonesian NGO in 2008.

CFK seeks to transform the lives of people and their communities by tackling the root causes of poverty and injustice. We are motivated by our belief that all of Gods creation including all of nature and all people, including the poor, the marginalized and those suffering from the effects of disaster are of eternal value and worth. Therefore, we are committed to working with people and communities to enable them to fulfill their God-given potential by partnering with them to create opportunities to improve the quality of their lives and conserve the natural environment in which they live.

Emergency Response
Emergency Response

CFK works to empower communities to achieve holistic integrated sustainable transformation in all areas of their lives including their income generation opportunities, improving their health u0026amp; education conditions, providing leadership capacity building as well as addressing issues related to their psychosocial well-being.

In times of disasters CFK respond with emergency, life sustaining relief, including food, water, shelter, medical assistance and child safe spaces. CFK also works with high risk communities and schools to be better prepared to reduce the impact of future disasters.

Child Rights

Child Rights
Child Rights

The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted in 1989, is the most widely ratified human rights treaty developed out of the Human Rights Charter. It acknowledges that while every individual has inherent, basic rights, children are particularly vulnerable and have specific rights, it recognizes children have a special need for care and protection.

The Convention outlines the important role of families, communities, organizations and governments in realizing these rights so that all children thrive and have the full opportunity to become productive members of society. It sets a standard of protecting the rights of children in all areas of life including civil, political, economic, health, social and cultural spheres and asserts that every child has the right to survival, development, protection and participation, without discrimination.

CFK has an important role in partnering with the community to help achieve these standards, by taking on a ‘rights based’ approach that focus on improving the position of children within the community. CFK works to build community awareness and develop holistic programs that empower duty bearers to be responsible for – and capable of – protecting and fulfilling the rights of children in their community.

What we Advocate

Millennium Goals For Development

Sustainable community development begins to happen as peoples lives are transformed, community transformation takes place as the local people become engaged and committed to investing themselves u0026amp; their resources into improving their well-being. CFK adopts a community based and participatory approach to all of our development activities, our initiatives are aimed at bringing about holistic, integrated, sustainable transformation to all aspects of a community including civil, political, economic, health, education as well as social and cultural spheres.

Millennium Goals For Development
Millennium Goals For Development

CFK work to improve the capacities of the people so that they are able to sustain themselves in a manner which provides dignity and justice for every member of their community. CFK also encourage and advocate for the active participation of the whole community in working towards meeting the 8 UN Millennium Goals for Development which are:

  • Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger.
  • Achieve universal primary education.
  • Promote gender equality and empower women.
  • Reduce child mortality.
  • Improve maternal health.
  • Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases.
  • Ensure environmental sustainability.
  • Develop a global partnership for development (address issues such as trade, debt, aid to promote economic growth and poverty reduction).

Where We Work

Aceh, North Sumatra u0026amp; West Sumatra, Indonesia

While Indonesia is developing as a nation, they are still struggling to alleviate poverty and attain justice for all, with a population of some 240 million people, there are around 300 distinct ethnic groups in Indonesia with their own distinct cultures, traditions and languages. The fourth most populous country on earth, Indonesia spans more than 17,000 islands and supports the world’s second highest level of biodiversity, with such a wealth of flora and fauna, forests cover approximately 60% of the country. Indonesia’s high population and rapid industrialization present serious environmental issues including large-scale deforestation and over-exploitation of marine resources. Environmental issues are often given a lower priority due to high levels of poverty, justice abuse and corruption.

Where We Work
Where We Work

Indonesia is also in the very high risk category of being struck by natural disasters; earthquakes, tsunami, volcanic eruptions, floods, landslides and droughts are all considered frequent events. During the period 1980 – 2010 more than 321 major disasters were recorded in Indonesia, resulting in over 192,474 deaths and severely impacting the lives of a further 21,663,204 people.

Sumatra is particularly vulnerable to natural disasters; with over 27 volcanoes (most of which are still active) which are positioned atop of the Great Sumatra Fault System that runs inland along Sumatra’s entire west coast. Further off-shore the Eurasian tectonic plate is also causing immense friction build up, as it pushes against the Indo-Australian plate at a rate of 5 – 7 cm per year. This area known as The Sumatra Trench has been the site of many major earthquakes and tsunamis, most recently; 2004 Indian Ocean Earthquake Tsunami, 2005 Nias Earthquake u0026amp; Tsunami, 2007 Benkulu Earthquake, 2009 Padang Earthquake and 2010 Mentawai Earthquake u0026amp; Tsunami.

With a focus on alleviating poverty, improving justice for all and being prepared to respond to natural disasters, CFK have established our Head Office and Training Center in the city of Medan in North Sumatra which provides support services to our program sites and is prepared to become a coordination center in the even of a natural disaster occurring in the area.

Mentawai Islands – West Sumatra

Mentawai Islands - West Sumatra
Mentawai Islands – West Sumatra

2012 – Ongoing: Community Transformation

CFK provide community based and participatory development initiatives to help bring about Holistic Integrated Sustainable Transformation in the lives of the Mentawai who are suffering from generational poverty. CFK’s transformation initiatives include; Leadership u0026amp; Local Government Capacity Building, Health u0026amp; Children’s Education Improvement as well as Increasing Income Generating Opportunities.

2010 – 2011: Emergency Disaster Response u0026amp; Recovery

On the 25th of October 2010, CFK’s emergency disaster response team mobilized to provide humanitarian aid to the survivors of the Mentawai Island Tsunami. The tsunami totally destroyed many villages along the west coast of both North u0026amp; South Pagai Islands and parts of Sipora Island – over 500 lives were lost and 11,000 people were left homeless. CFK’s response initiatives included Emergency Shelter, Hygiene u0026amp; Family Kit Distribution; Mobile Medical Clinic’s; Nutrition u0026amp; Food Security Distribution and Children’s Psychosocial Activities.

Padang Pariaman – West Sumatra

Padang Pariaman - West Sumatra
Padang Pariaman – West Sumatra

2010: Disaster Reconstruction

Due to the generous support of our partners CFK were able to continue to provide post disaster reconstruction initiatives in the Padang Pariaman area. CFK’s reconstruction initiatives included: implement a campaign promoting “Building Back Better” in earthquake prone areas, distribution of over 2,000 family toolkits, construction of a Permanent Elementary School, 5 Kindergartens and 3 Health Posts as well as assisting 200 of the most vulnerable community members to build new safe Transitional Shelters (core homes).

2009: Emergency Disaster Response

A massive earthquake measuring 7,6 on the richter scale struck West Sumatra the 30 September 2009, the lives of 1,115 people were lost, over 170,000 homes were left uninhabitable and more than 3,500 classrooms were destroyed. CFK provided emergency disaster response initiatives to the victims which included mobile medical clinics, hygiene promotion and distribution of tents/tarpaulins, blankets and family hygiene kits.

Calang – Aceh

Calang - Aceh
Calang – Aceh

2010 – 2011: Child Centered Community Development

In 2010, CFK launched a campaign to promote Child Centered Community Development (CCCD) in Calang, Aceh Jaya. Aimed at capacity building the community towards understanding and meeting the UN Convention on the Rights Of The Child to ensure that every child has the right to 1. Survival, 2. Development, 3. Participation, and 4. To Be Protected.

2008 – 2010: Post Disaster Community Transformation

CFK was founded by a group of national and international volunteers who provided emergency disaster response and recovery initiatives to survivors of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. CFK was officially registered as a stand alone Indonesian NGO in December 2008 after which we continued to implement Holistic, Integrated, Sustainable, Transformation in the area of Calang, Aceh Jaya, initiatives included Leadership u0026amp; Local Government Capacity Building, Health u0026amp; Children’s Education Improvement as well as Increasing Income Generating Opportunities.

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